Title Page

APA title pages for students include: the page number, the paper’s title, author’s first, middle initial, and last name, institution, course number and name, instructor name(s), and assignment due date. Text is double spaced, center-aligned and centered in the middle of the page. Titles are bolded in title case (ex. APA Citation and Style Guide). Dates are written in Month Date, Year format. To see an example of title page formatting, visit page 1 of the UNC Charlotte WRC APA Template. Below is a checklist of title page formatting guidelines. 

CHECKLIST // Title Page

  • uncheckedText is double spaced, center-aligned, and centered in the middle of the page
  • uncheckedPage number is in the top right corner
  • uncheckedTitle of paper bolded in title case (ex. APA Citation and Style Guide)
  • uncheckedWriter’s (your) first name, middle initial, and last name (ex. Bree G. Johnson)
  • uncheckedInstitutional affiliation
  • uncheckedCourse number and name
  • uncheckedInstructor name(s)
  • uncheckedAssignment due date (ex. October 24, 2024)